"Your experience and energy in bringing us this guidance and information are so, so appreciated. Thank you for this excellent experience.”

-API CHAYA Interrupting Anti-Blackness Workshop Participant

"I’m so grateful for your time and energy Valeriana! Especially the energy to present, educate and listen to non-Black people who are learning about interrupting Anti-Blackness.”

-API CHAYA Interrupting Anti-Blackness Workshop Participant

The Transformative Justice webinar helped me to gain better insight about my role working for a Domestic Violence agency, but also the different ways that I can educate people in my personal life to help educate and transition society toward Transformative Justice.

-New Beginnings Centering Transformative Justice Workshop Participant
The opening to each day and acknowledgement of the Peoples of the land was great. I’m a Native American from Pine Ridge South Dakota and I acknowledge the People of the area that I am a guest of. The material was very relatable to Native American History and the need to educate the about the history was very insightful.
— -Domestic Violence Housing Access Point Workshop Attendee