
Radical Advocacy for Black Girls & Women Workshop

This is a Three part training workshop series that centers a radical approach in exploring historical nuances and current societal trends, that often overlook advocating for Black girls and women. This training sheds light on radical but practical methods that center Black liberation for community groups, businesses, agencies and organizations who are looking at expanding specific advocacy efforts for Black girls and women.


Black Liberation is non-negotiable Workshop

This is a Three part training series that solely centers Black liberation, Black history, Black governance and Black Immigrant led movements. This is a training for organizations, businesses and agencies leaning in to better grasp why Black liberation is no longer just an ask but a non-negotiable human rights necessity.

Interrupting Financial Oppression Workshop

Often times in nonprofit spaces and agencies financial oppression manifests as a normality. This normality exists when there are wide salary disparities, or when the internal work culture discourages staff members from being aware of the agency's programmatic budget.

Evidently this internal culture fosters slower time frames to issue reimbursements, but places a high inequitable emphasis on providing financial reports at a quick turnover time period. This is a training for agencies, businesses and organizations seeking to rectify harm and interrupt financial oppression.

This workshop is 3 part series for Organizations specifically looking to interrupt financially oppressive structures to re-create, a new normal that centers accountability and collective liberation.

Leaning Into The Discomfort Training

This is a vital three part training series for white led Boards, Executives and Management teams that are in need of shifting gears to interrupt white supremacist harm. This training will explore historical nuances, examples of racial harm and the process of rectifying harm.


Centering Transformative Justice Training

A two part workshop training series that explores historical nuances of where transformative justice came from and how it has evolved and at times been hijacked and in many non-profit spaces.

This training specifically centers Black liberation, Black governance and is a great training for businesses, agencies and organizations looking to interrupt white supremacist notions that have centered transformative justice with just lip service.

The Interrupting anti-Blackness Training

An intensive Three Part Training specifically tailored training for your agency, business or organization seeking to specifically interrupt anti-Black harm.

All while looking at crucial methods to center Black liberation and advocacy efforts that champion Black communities and spaces. (This training is a one to a three part series, and varies in price).

Centering the need to Rectifying Harm Training

This is a three part training series that centers rectifying harm. Harm that can manifest through organization trauma, anti-Blackness, gate keeping, micro-managing and an array of inequitable power structures.

This training is crucial for work spaces, looking to interrupt white supremacist notions and policies.


Bold | Black | Brave Training

This is two part training series, that centers Black immigrant contributions, struggles and their plight. This training is great for work places looking to be more immigrant friendly in it’s hiring practices, and internal policies and practices.

Inclusiveness is Audacious

Often times exclusive practices are normalized as the status quo, it is rooted in secrecy and harm. Inclusive practices are rooted in respecting confidentiality and seeking to champion folks in, rather than center harm.

This training is for folks looking to create or better inclusive practices within their working environment.

Get in touch.

Is your agency in need of a specific training series?

Or is your agency in need looking for some guidance, on a training that is not listed above?

Get in touch with us we would love, to provide support for you!